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- Evoke Greatness Newsletter Feb 27th, 2023
Evoke Greatness Newsletter Feb 27th, 2023
Uncover the Greatness Within

Make it an amazing Monday, friend!
February 27th, 2023
Are you living life by design or by default?
As I saw from many posts, the theme at this years Chick-Fil-A Conference was around the creating a culture by design (or default). It got me thinking about the fact that life is quite similar. If you show up to your life without vision, purpose, or intention you leave it to chance on how the future could turn out for you. This can allow drift to occur in your life's circumstances and that can be dangerous or in the very least, underwhelming.

And who the heck wants that? 🙃
There are many different aspects to think about in what makes up your life. In each of these areas, are you willing to let them happen by default?
Your life partner
Your career
Your money
Your faith or spirituality
Your physical health
Your mental health
Your life purpose
The list could go on...
You don't have to have your whole life mapped out, but take the time to evaluate what you are doing to be intentional. Take some time to reflect on your goals and values. Living your life by design requires both purpose and intention. It means checking in with yourself on where you are AND where you want to be. It means putting the reps in by forming good habits that serve you and your vision. It means taking care of your mind and body.
Life is your blank canvas. Start designing friend, because nobody wants these to happen by default.
Courage comes in many different shapes and sizes
I saw multiple examples of courage this week that warmed my heart ❤️
My LinkedIn buddy, Kofi, shared the story of a husband who lost his Wife to suicide. In this post he shared part of their conversation, " 'Kofi, putting up a pity party is not going to bring her back. It may get me lost and I don’t want that. She won’t want that’. After our conversation, he shared with me that he will be leaving his organization and go back to school to study psychology. He wanted to start his own clinic with a mission to destigmatize trauma and help those dealing with trauma to seek professional help without feeling weak."
I came across an unbelievable news story from end of January, "...after a woman passed out from a medical emergency behind the wheel, a good Samaritan jumped into action, running alongside the car trying to stop it. Adolfo Molina sprinted across four lanes of the busy highway, narrowly missing getting hit by a pickup truck. He ran alongside the vehicle, desperately trying to open the door so he could get in to stop it. The car finally stopped after hitting a divider. The woman was transported to a local hospital for treatment." Take the couple of minutes out of your day and watch this crazy video. It's enough to make you ponder how you would respond in this type of situation.

Courage doesn't have to always be big or dramatic news, sometimes it comes in small ways. I had several people reach out this last week who don't know me, but resonated with what they know of me and got the courage to reach out and ask to get on a call. I had some awesome conversations as a result. I'm grateful when people step out in courage.
Evoke Greatness Podcast: Latest Episode
Antonia Hock is a mountain climbing, Bronco driving Maverick who blazes her own trails. She is the former Global Head of the Ritz Carlton Leadership Center who felt drawn to put her own bold, authentic, and unapologetic spin on the wide world of consulting and is now the Founder & CEO for Antonia JA Hock and Associates. Listen in as she drops some pearls of wisdom
If you are enjoying the podcast, please take a minute to rate and review the podcast, or share an episode you feel like someone else may need to hear. If you hit subscribe, you will get a notification every time a new episode goes live!
A quote that I've been sitting with this week
"Down with the soft living that will weaken your spiritual and physical muscles. Seek out the struggle that will toughen you up. Negativeness is a sin; so is self-indulgence. Bad times, such as depression or a state of war, should be challenging tests. In such time those who are too soft, who lack the courage and stamina to strive, slacken effort. Real men and women tighten their belts, throw full weight into the harness of their daily activities, and pull with all their might and main."
Have you considered getting an executive coach?
I help executives get unstuck and focus on elevating their mindset and skillset to be unstoppable in business and life. If you're looking to level up in 2023, I only have 2 spots remaining in my Executive Coaching program.
As Jack Welch once said, “Does coaching work? Yes. Good coaches provide a truly important service. They tell you the truth when no one else will.”
If you'd like to set up a call to learn more about it and if it may be a fit for you, you can book a call through this link 👇